Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cheers to a Day of Conformity….Wear Green!

I love St. Patty’s Day and the last 2 years have been great going to the Honolulu downtown block party, which has always led to nights of debauchery. Since my memory is poor, when I clearly remember events such as these, I often reflect. In 2007, this day I was working as an agriculture assistant doing an outreach day at the capital that now I work adjacent too. I remember the once again the rain, the beer cause I discovered black and tans this night, and my late night kisses from an Aussie guy who later I discovered was not as cute as I originally thought. Glad to have the picture though - what can I say I blame the accent! This time last year though was such a mess, a lost, really, with me looking for a job, having illicit romances, and realizing that I could have been working with the DOE in Seattle. So here I am now, a year older (none the wiser?) looking forward to pau hana and the block party. I know that this year will be way more subdued with no wild stunts, such as drinking green beer from lab glassware, almost kissing a fellow classmate that I did not even like, talking to strangers about getting a promoter gig….where is that number again (lol), and actually getting kisses from a traveler. Wow, I sort of feel old….but maybe, just maybe, something wonderfully ordinary like the last two years will happen and completely surprise me. That would be nice.

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